Pomander-style. A combination of material arranged to create this Renaissance bouquet. Delicate silk roses are...
Youthful and filled with love, Megan’s bright personality shows through the arrangement of Roses, lifelike...
Nerissa is a whimsical gold and chiffon handbag that makes a statement. The exterior is...
For the unique bride who is looking for something different, Oksana boasts a collection soft...
Perdita is a soft and ultra-feminine statement handbag defined with diamond white beaded roses and feathers. The...
Rosalind features a striking bridal lace and applique body frosted with rhinestone and Swarovski crystals. This vintage, evening...
STUNNING SHOWPIECE Colonial-style structure. Rose-inspired and perhaps as intricate as mother nature could create, Rosietta...
Fresh Flower bouquet carried by customer Sara Viella for her wedding to Carlos Benitto A...
STUNNING SHOWPIECE As seen in "WEDDING BELLS" spring summer 2010 Superior craftsmanship and hours of...
Outstanding in Orange, Sharla is filled with large silk Tiger lilies framed with Baby's breath....
Titania is decorated with diamond white lace and a statement red and gold French beaded...
Capturing the fabulous shades of the Fall season, Copper and Orange, Trudelle shines for the elegant...
Viola is a unique, copper-coloured heirloom purse adorned with stunning details. The white and topaz French...